Friday, January 23, 2009

The Lettered Cottage - Good Jars

I absolutley love this Blogger Layla at The Lettered Cottage.
She is selling them again...I missed out on the last time she was selling them But visit her blog on the details of purchasing them! This would be a great valentine gift for a friend or family member, or even yourself!


  1. Hi Ashley! I just found you over at Layla's blog, and so glad I did! Your place is so full of great information. This whole blogging thing is fairly new to me and I am totally addicted! I'll be back to visit soon. I especially like your comparison shopping post, very much needed these days!

  2. I love the jars and the old fashioned labels. Are you going to get one?

  3. I am going to buy one...yes! I must have one.

  4. What great teacher gifts! I guess I am already thinking of that...

    So cute!


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