Wednesday, March 4, 2009

17 Days until the Big Wedding Day!Wedding Stuff I am working on!

17 Days until my Sister In Law {Ronda's} Wedding...I just finished these today!
Bling Bling!

Dont Forget my Easter Tag Giveaway ends on March 15th, dont forget to enter here!


  1. Those are beautiful! I wish I was that talented :-).

    I will have to run McAfee tomorrow. I had to I buy it last week bc my husband accidently clicked a link on somthing and it shut my computer down and it was a big mess. I hate computer viruses!

  2. Those look great! Your sister is lucky to have you for a helper!

  3. U are just the sweetest!!! Thanks for visiting me!!!!! :):):):):) These are WOW!!!!! LOVEEEEEEEE the colors! :):):):):):):):):):)

  4. they looked great!!! Its funny bc I have been helping with my girlfriends wedding that is in a couple of weeks! So me and you are on the same page,lol! I will post pics soon of the stuff Im doing for her!!

  5. love the cake servers; you did a great job girl!!

    my mom and i had a loooong talk and she SO wants to do our wedding flowers! so, thanks so much for your help and i'm sorry we didn't end up using your sister. mom really wants to save me $$ too.


  6. Things look beautiful! I love how the candle came out, did you make that with a heat gun? I've done those before so fun and personlized! The cake servers are so beautiful!

  7. I love that candle. How did you get the letters on there. I saw something like this on a french blog and I wondered how they got the letters on there.


Thanks for stopping by...Please leave some love! Thanks and have a fabulous day!