Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Come and Get your Award

Yesterday Jacque @ Jacque4U2C gave all of her followers this award. ***By the way if you dont follow her and you love scrapbooking, you should! I love her inspiration!
So, You are suppose to pass this along to your 10 favorites...but I am going to do what Jacque did. It is always so hard to pick only 10 people so...This award goes to everyone's blog I follow and whomever follows my blog!!!! Hooray - Congrats Chicas! Post this baby up, it is super cute.


  1. Isn't SHE just the SWEETEST!!!!?????!!!!!!! LOVE her ... and U are RIGHT....soooooooooooo inspirational! :):):):):):):):):):)

  2. thanks girl!! i love your blog too;) cute award ♥


  3. Congrats on the award and how sweet that you couldn't pick just 10 :)

  4. Awww...thank you sooooo much! and your button already was on there. Don't know how you missed it silly!


Thanks for stopping by...Please leave some love! Thanks and have a fabulous day!