I spent some time on HGTV's Rate My Space and found some photos for inspiration when we start working on the house.

Here are some dining areas that I like...

We will have an extra space next to the living room, I would love to see it like this. It has french doors, I think I am going for a study area.
This picture, I love the kitchen, but I mainly wanted to show the stairs...we plan to leave the end of the moved staircase open like this one, all wood, white, airy and open! I love these floors.

My hubby does not agree with all of my inspiration photos, so we will have to meet in the middle or I will just do it the way I want it. He is the carpenter and I am the designer. After two houses already you would think he would get that. ;)
Ooo- I love the open shelving- Do you think it would be a huge pain? Dusting and stuff- or totally worth it?
Those are very inspirational photos! If I got the chance to build a new house, I would definitely start with the kitchen (I love to cook!)...(and maybe a major scrap room with built in shelving system of course). lol Have a great day!
Thanks for visiting! My favorite look is the one with black cabinets and open upper shelving. All of them are great though.
These kitchens are great! I really need some inspiration for our master bedroom. It needs some help :)
Love all the pic. I have a bar that the boys eat most of their meals at. I love my hardwood for clean ups. But the noise and lack of insulation makes it loud and cold in the winter. Well it is loud all year. Hope you get exactly what you want!
HA-When I started looking at the kitchens my first thought was YUMMY. Then I saw you had it at the bottom of the blog!!
Twin is pretty much in the middle of a gut on her house. Her cabinets will be white glazed. Can't wait til it's done.
I love the black cabinets. If I lived in an older home that needed the cabinets redone I might get brave and do black. I found a blog (I think it's Once Upon A Cottage) and she painted her cabinets a beautiful red.
Good luck on choosing. It's hard!
LOVE the photos, thank you. Especially love your theory on yours and your husbands role. That first photo has given me an idea....I have a great granite island in my kitchen, and my husband would like to get stools for it, however, I don't want people leaning over my workspace, so, why don't I look for a cool table to put in front of the counter as if it is suppose to be there and add some rattan chairs, cause, I LOVED those. THANKS!!!! I trust you are feeling better also, so that is great too. be blessed!
The blogger with the red cabinet isn't Once Upon A Cottage. I have it saved on a different computer and when I figure out who it is I'll let you know so you can take a look.
I love all those kitchens!! Yours looks great also! I love the idea of black cabinets but not sure if they'll be "in" for as long as the black paint would have to sit on my oak cabinets before hubby would replace them!! Love the white cabinets as well, but would be worried they would get so dirty. Have fun picking out your dream kitchen...can't wait for the photos!!
Hi Ashley! I love all of those pics! I think my favorite is the one with the dark cabinets with the open shelving on top. It is so cottagey but with a modern, young flair.
Great inspiration pictures!
I just love a high end kitchen! I love white cabinets but lately the black and white look has been appealing to me. But I know from a friend who has a lot of dark wood in her house that it looks dirty quick! Wonder if the dust shows up on the black right away and would drive me nuts?
Got the button up, thanks again for the feature! So happy to be the first one with the new blog bling!
You won! You won! I'm so glad you won! Email me your shipping info, and your choice for the coaster style.
NIce pictures I see. Oh I wish my house looked as nice as those pictures. I need a good carpet cleaning for sure. I saw you won something. Some Coasters and I wanted to say Congrats to you.
Have a great day..
I think the blogger is One Woman's Cottage Life. I just found her a few days ago. Look at her post on June 30. She is redoing her whole house and is VERY talented.
Don't you love Rate My Space? I always look through the photos on there. Your kitchen will be very pretty if you go with any of these ideas!
I love the open shelves in the kitchen. I'm having a dickens of a time convincing my husband to tear out our old cabinets and put up shelves for me. :) He doesn't "get it" either.
oh, i would gladly give the fat on both of my arms for any of those kitchens! so clean, new and sleek!!! your old kitchen was very nice too:)
i have an award for you; come visit me!!
♥ noelle
Sure you can use the ribbon- do you want me to take better/more pictures?
also- I didn't quite understand what you meant about the button . . .
Those are some beautiful kitchens! I love getting ideas from rate my space too!
I am so relieved my kitchen redo is DONE
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